LLIN Mass Distribution Campaign
2020 Activity Plan

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Gantt Chart Activities Performance Subcommittees Meeting Minutes Strategic Documents

Viewing from 63 to 20 weeks before distribution | View from 19 weeks before distribution to 8 weeks after distribution | View As Excel

Household Registration
LLIN Distribution

Month and Year
Apr 2019
May 2019
Jun 2019
Jul 2019
Aug 2019
Sep 2019
Oct 2019
Nov 2019
Dec 2019
Jan 2020
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Activity Comment Person Responsible Weeks Before Campaign Kick-off
63 62 61 60 59 58 57 56 55 54 53 52 51 50 49 48 47 46 45 44 43 42 41 40 39 38 37 36 35 34 33 32 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20
Establish the campaign command centre
Finalize the campaign timeline of activities
Finalize the campaign Plan of Action and supporting annexes
Finalize the "master" file with the quantification of HR needs for HHR and LLIN distribution
Finalize logistics plan of action and supporting annexes
Finalize communication plan and supporting annexes
Finalize risk assessment and mitigation (NOTE: To be updated monthly by the campaign command centre for presentation at Task Force meetings)
Finalize campaign budget
Determine breakdown of funding responsibilities (activities / districts) for funding partners
Officially establish the National Task Force for the campaign
Validation of macroplanning documents by NTF
Validate the terms of reference and officially establish the sub-committees for the campaign
Regular meetings of NTF and sub-committees
Development and finalization of training guides for household registration and distribution of LLINs including communication component
Development and finalization of advocacy kit, press briefing materials, radio jingles, visibility materials, etc. based on communication plan. Pretesting and finalization.
Development and finalization of logistics training documents and supply chain management tools. Ensure PHU training + 1 day at TOT are included.
Development and finalization of protocol and tools for independent monitoring of HHR and LLIN distribution
Development and finalization of data collection and collation tools (household registration forms, supervision checklists, LLIN distribution tools, supply chain management tools, etc.)
Revise and finalize voucher design
Review and finalization of microplanning package (list of information to collect, templates, agendas)
Validation of all tools and documents produced by the sub-committees
Request Procurement support from NPPA
Publish the request for quotations for printing and production of materials
Sign contracts with selected printing companies
Development and publishing of call for tenders for transport of LLINs
Printing / production of all required campaign materials
Engagement and advocacy at national level
Publishing advertisement for finance support team for districts
Contracting of finance support team
Publishing call for tenders for regional and district warehousing
Training of finance support team
Malaria Annual Review meeting and introduction of finance support team to DHMT
Stores and transport verification mission (district / regional storage)
Send information package to DHMTs to start data collection from PHUs and communities
Print materials for microplanning e.g campaign core documents
Reception of all materials for implementation of the campaign
Contracting for regional and district warehousing
Contracting of logistics services
Need to be specific: nets from districts to HFs
Deployment of finance support team
TOT for national monitors for microplanning
Step down training for WAR/WAU
Advocacy and briefing sessions at district level - District Councils, DMO, DHMT and NGOs in the district
Microplanning workshops in districts and WAR/WAU
Microplanning cleaning and validation
Logistics training for districts
Training of MFPPs, stores officers, EHTs, etc (line 34 in local plan)
Official establishment of the district coordination structures
Reviving MATFs
Advertising for independent monitors
Recruitment and signing MOU with independent monitors
Training of national conveyors for transport
Early engagement with transporters
Movement of logistics, M&E and SBCC materials to districts (each sub-committee develops packing list of materials). Note that movement to PHUs will be done by TOT participants (e.g. chiefdom/zone supervisors)
Rephrase line 30
Training of data managers
Detail in M&E and data management plan
Training of trainers at central level - national monitors
Training of DHMT, councillors and zonal/ward/chiefdom supervisors
MATF to take charge and work with ASBCC
World Malaria Day / Independence Day
Training of personnel for household registration
Social mobilization for HHR
Training of independent monitors
Household registration - May 2 - May 10
Supervision of household registration
In process monitoring of HHR
Data collation, transmission and validation (daily and final) - HHR
Training of district/regional conveyors for micro transport
Micro transport of LLINs from districts to PHU
Social mobilization for LLIN distribution
Training of PHU supervisors for LLIN distribution
Training of DP team members for LLIN distribution
Launching of campaign at national and district
Distribution of LLINs - June 3 - 7
Supervision of LLIN distribution
Data collation, transmission and validation (daily and final)
Data management specific to distribution
LLIN reconciliation at PHU level
End process monitoring
Post-distribution monitoring
Reverse logistics
Final campaign review meeting
Post distribution communication activities
Commodity management assessment
Preparation, review and finalisation of campaign final report
Printing and dissemination of final campaign report