Celebrating Diversity
73=ONE celebrates the different ethnic backgrounds from which we hail, and believes that all Zambians are one, and are entitled to everything our beautiful country has to offer.
73=ONE is a conscious clothing label based on The Zambia Equation, an all-inclusive campaign initiated by Intellectual Expression to foster development through unity by promoting equality of all Zambians across tribal lines.
Each time you wear 73=ONE, you are embodying The Zambia Equation, which declares to the world that all Zambians are equal, regardless of their gender, age, disability, religious affiliation, political preference, and above all, tribal background. So grab yourself some 73=ONE garb and play your part in uniting our beautiful nation... and look really good while you're at it!
Being a conscious and inclusive brand, we proudly embrace differently-abled individuals and produce designs that they can relate with.
73=ONE is a registered trademark belonging to Intellectual Expression and any unauthorised reproduction of the brand or a depiction of the brand for any purposes meant to divide or polarise Zambians is prohibited. Because we are all about equality and oneness, wearing 73=ONE clothing on political platforms in order to gain political favour is also prohibited.
What Does Each Design Mean?Ideation
The ie! 3C Team sits at the innovation bench and invents a brand
Intellectual Expression releases the first versions of the 73=ONE designs
The Zambia Equation reaches Chingola, Kitwe and Ndola
Intellectual Expression develops its scannable 2D matrix design
Partners begin promoting 73=ONE clothing and The Zambia Equation brand
We're excited about the next couple of ideas we're about to churn out
Check out some random 73=ONE pics. Once inspired to get some garb, give us a call on +260.952.490400, +260.761.759690 or +260.776.602660 and make your order.
73=ONE clothing artwork is designed with class in mind while promoting the idea of oneness through the Zambia Equation. We drew our inspiration from Zambia's motto "One Zambia, One Nation", coined by our nation's founding president, Dr. Kenneth Kaunda.
Through 73=ONE, we hope to remind all Zambians that what unites us is far greater than what threatens to divide us. Let's therefore celebrate our diversity with clothing that speaks of the oneness and equality we have as Zambians, in spite of our different tribal backgrounds.
73=ONE celebrates the different ethnic backgrounds from which we hail, and believes that all Zambians are one, and are entitled to everything our beautiful country has to offer.
73=ONE encourages you to embrace a culture of tolerance and peace towards all fellow Zambians.
73=ONE seeks to motivate progress in all aspects of our lives as Zambians, by promoting synergy between Zambians.
Through The Zambia Equation, Intellectual Expression is building innovations to showcase Zambia to the world.
Bridget Malumba is the official ambassador and champion of the 73=ONE brand, promoting the ethos of the brand through the arts and sport. She is also the president of the National Association of Media Arts (NAMA), and the founder and president of Ladies in Art (LIA).
"73=ONE glamorises Zambian identity using clothing that makes unity trendy. 73=ONE is all about branding unity."
Bridget Malumba, 73=ONE Brand Ambassador
Purchase some printable collateral to display wherever you want to spread the word of unity
73=ONE was conceived in the Creatives, Concepts and Communications (3C) Unit of Intellectual Expression. Here's the 3C Team.
Concepts & Partnerships
Comms & Branding
Strategy & Programmes
Technology & Ops